AZ-C2+ Macro Laser Confocal, Nikon Instruments (CAT#: STEM-LE-0648-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0648-LC

Application: Developmental Biology / Embryology, Reproductive Medicine

Model: AZ-C2+

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AZ-C2+ Macro Laser Confocal has a high-definition wide-field image of more than 1 cm, and has an unprecedented high signal-to-noise ratio. It can take an image of the entire sample (such as an embryo) in a single shot. It combines low and high magnification objectives, optical zoom and confocal scanning zoom functions to achieve continuous imaging from macro to micro. In addition, AZ-C2+ can perform depth imaging of the entire specimen in vivo.


Resolution:160 x 160 - 2048 x 2048 pixel

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