BD Biosciences FACSCanto II 2 Laser Flow Cytometer, BD Biosciences (CAT#: STEM-CA-1151-LGZ)


1. Incorporates a patented optical design that enhances signal retention for 6 fluorescence and 2 scattering parameters, digital electronic processing up to 10,000 times/sec, and a novel sample injection tube that supports less than 0.1% carryover.
2. Best fluorescence sensitivity.
3. Minimal sample contamination for cleaner data.

Cat Number: STEM-CA-1151-LGZ

Application: For cell assay research.

Model: FACSCanto II 2

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The manufacturer of BD Biosciences FACSCanto II 2 Laser Flow Cytometer is BD Biosciences. Model is FACSCanto II 2. The BD FACSCanto System Breakthrough Flow Cytometry is a six-color benchtop analyzer. It incorporates many of the technological advancements first developed in the BD LSR II Scalable Analyzer and the BD FACSAria Cell Sorter. It supports a wide range of research applications and is especially suited for high speed, high sensitivity, minimal sample-to-sample carryover for rare event analysis. System includes: Computer w/ FacsDiva Software; Fluids Cart; 2 laser, Blue (488) and Red (633); 3 PMTs in 4-2 configuration w/ side scatter; All Necessary Cables; Manuals.


Condition: used
488-nm solid state, 20-mW laser output
633-nm HeNe, 17-mW laser output
Laser Configuration: Spatially separated beams with 9 x 65-μm elliptical spots
Optical Alignment Procedure: Fixed, no operator alignment required
Flow Cell: 180 x 430-μm rectangular quartz flow cell
Collection Optics: Optical-gel coupled 1.2 NA lens
FSC Resolution: 1.0 μm
SSC Resolution: 0.5 μm
Fluorescence Detector Design: Reflective optics with single transmission filter in front of each PMT
FSC Detector: Photodiode with 488/10 BP
SSC Detector: PMT with 488/10 BP
Fluorescence Detectors: 6 PMTs in 4-2 configuration w/ side scatter


1. Incorporates a patented optical design that enhances signal retention for 6 fluorescence and 2 scattering parameters, digital electronic processing up to 10,000 times/sec, and a novel sample injection tube that supports less than 0.1% carryover.
2. Best fluorescence sensitivity.
3. Minimal sample contamination for cleaner data.
4. Fast processing speed, saving precious time for science.
5. Overcome the barriers of rare event analysis and low detection range functional studies.

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