Beckman Optima LE-80K Ultracentrifuge, 80,000 rpm In Ramsey, MN, USA (CAT#: STEM-LCPO-0287-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-LCPO-0287-YJL

Application: Designed to produce strong centrifugal forces

Model: LE-80K

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Beckman Optima LE-80K Ultracentrifuge, 80,000 rpm In Ramsey, MN, USA, model LE-80K, is manufactured by Beckman - Coulter laboratory centrifuges.
The Beckman Optima™ LE-80K Ultracentrifuge offers the fastest separations possible in the minimum amount of time with its performance capability of up to 80,000 rpm. This versatile model is compatible with a wide range of superior rotors and tubes. Capable of rapid run times, the Optima™ LE-80 K is perfect for a broad range of applications.
Featuring a high tolerance of rotor imbalance, this Beckman centrifuge uses a frequency-controlled, air-cooled, direct-drive induction motor that requires no brushes or gears. Operators are assured of smooth and quiet performance with this externally forced-air cooled and internally oil cooled unit.
Equipped with easy-to-use, environment-friendly and microprocessor–based control cooling systems, the Beckman LE-80 K eliminated the use of CFCs and other dangerous liquid refrigerants.


Condition: Used
Max Speed: 20,000 rpm
RCF 41,619 x g
kFactor: 206 # of tubes x Nominal
Capacity of largest tube: 8 x 39 mL
Nominal Rotor Capacity: 312 mL

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