Bio-Rad Tetrad 2 DNA Engine Tetrad Peltier Thermal Cycler In Elkin, NC, USA (CAT#: STEM-PCREPO-0144-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-PCREPO-0144-YJL

Application: Used to run polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for sequencing, cloning, genotyping, mutagenesis, and many other applications

Model: Tetrad 2

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Bio-Rad Tetrad 2 DNA Engine Tetrad Peltier Thermal Cycler In Elkin, NC, USA, model Tetrad 2, is manufactured by Bio-Rad thermal cyclers.
Powers on, Unable to test further.
The Bio-Rad Tetrad 2 Peltier Thermal Cycler provides real time monitoring of cycling temperatures as well as the ability to processing multiple samples simultaneously.
Bio-Rad's DNA Engine Tetrad 2 Cyclers feature an advanced graphical interface with a four-bay cycler design that allows independent control of up to four different Dual Alpha units for a total of eight independent protocols running simultaneously.
Used for both research and production, the DNA Engine Tetrad 2 is a high throughput cycler that is capable of advanced programming and file management tools.
The Tetrad 2 cycler has the distinction of being the thermal cycling backbone for the Human Genome Project.


Condition: Used
External Short control Relay
Input channel: 6 channels
Rating: 0.5 Amps @ 30VDC
Internal Short Relay
Input channel: 6 channels
Input voltage: 0~300VDC
Input impedance: < 0.05 ohm
Operation time: 40ms max.
Release time: 35ms max.
Current rating:
200A peak max
30Amps continuous @ 28VDC
30Amps up to 300VAC, 50/60Hz

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