BioHit Proline Multichannel Pipettes - Quantity 7, 5-100ul, 25-250ul, 50-1200ul, 0.2-10ul (CAT#: STEM-PPO-0004-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-PPO-0004-YJL

Application: Used to collect and dispense liquids

Model: ProLine

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BioHit Proline Multichannel Pipettes - Quantity 7, 5-100ul, 25-250ul, 50-1200ul, 0.2-10ul, model ProLine, is manufactured by BioHit.
Pipettes and pipettors are laboratory instruments used to collect and dispense liquids. A pipette is categorized either as To Contain (TC) or To Deliver (TD). While some pipettes are designed specifically to transfer liquids, others have high-precision measuring capabilities. Pipette types that are used to measure liquids or fluids include serological, microcapillary, aspirating, bacteriological, Ostwald Folin, Mohr, and Pasteur. Pipettes that are designed to transfer liquids include dropping, transfer, and volumetric.


Condition: Used
(7) BioHit Proline Multichannel Pipettes in sizes (2) 5-100ul, 25-250ul, (2) 50-1200ul, 0.2-10ul

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