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Biopharmaceutical Platform Solution with UNIFI, Waters Corporation (CAT#: STEM-LE-1964-LC)


From discovery to quality control, automatically characterize the main structure of biotherapeutic proteins
Conduct bioseparation, intact mass, peptide mapping analysis and released glycan analysis on a single integrated platform
Superior reporting capabilities shorten the time from data collection to results communication

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1964-LC

Application: Intact Protein Mass, Peptide Mapping - LC, LC/MSE, LC/MS/ MS/ Released Glycan Analysis / LC-FLR and LC-FLR/MS, Bioseparations (SEC, IEX, glycans, etc), Biotherapeutics, Biosimiliars and Antibody Drug Conjugates

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The Waters Biopharmaceutical Platform Solution with UNIFI® combines powerful UPLC®/MS characterization technology with the UNIFI scientific information system for use in biological separation, complete protein quality analysis, peptide mapping analysis, and released glycan analysis. The platform integrates all aspects of biotherapeutic analysis and workflow to enable organizations to apply high-resolution analysis throughout the continuous development process. The platform can capture complex mass spectrometry and chromatographic data and allow laboratories to comprehensively and routinely acquire, process, and share LC and MS characterization information across the life cycle of biotherapeutics. The results from discovery to development to GxP quality control can be shared.


From discovery to quality control, automatically characterize the main structure of biotherapeutic proteins
Conduct bioseparation, intact mass, peptide mapping analysis and released glycan analysis on a single integrated platform
Superior reporting capabilities shorten the time from data collection to results communication
Industry-leading GxP compliance tools: electronic signature, audit trail, user identity verification
Workstation and network lab workgroup deployment options

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