BioTek HT 150 H Hot Module Embedding Center, Paraffin Tank 4 Liters, BioTek Instruments, Inc. (CAT#: STEM-HEPO-0018-LGZ)

Cat Number: STEM-HEPO-0018-LGZ

Application: Modular system aids in embedding histology specimens.

Model: HT 150 H

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Two module system
Superior ergonomics and pleasing aesthetics
All stainless steel work surface
User friendly proprietary PAT interface
Largest cold plate and cassette bath in the industry
Automatic defrost cold plate
Independently programmable temperature for different zones
Self-draining heated tweezers holder
Four Liter Paraffin Jar
Ability to automatically turn on only on selected days of the week


Condition: certified pre-owned
Paraffin Tank: 4 liters
Mold Oven: 7″ x 7″ x 2.25″
Cassette Bath: 8″ x 11″ x 2.1″

User Selected Temperature Ranges: Paraffin Tank Mold Oven Cassette Bath Forceps Holders Work Surface: 40C – 70C
Physical Characteristics: 20″ w x 22.5 D x 12.5 H
Weight: 35 lbs
Electrical: 115 Volts or 230 Volts AC

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