With the TLT 2800 S Bosch has developed the new generation of secure high output blister lines. It combines in a unique way a high degree of economic effi ciency with a high level of fl exibility. Controlled security in all functional areas. Flexibility with packaging materials, product and size changes, easy operator control, fast cleaning and the Bosch service package are the decisive basic points that ensure maximum economy and investment without risk. The individual basic concept with optional additional equipment and the easy retrofi ttability are orientated towards your present and future needs.
Condition: Used CE Marked: YES Year: 2005 Voltage: 400 VOLTS Frequency: 50 HERTZ Dimensions: Standard Overall: 334.65 x 66.93 x 114.17 in - 28659.80 lb
Economic and flexible Best in Class: flexibility in daily operation Compact machine dimensions Hapa H-230-T-2C-LR Foil Printer Glove Box Humidity Control Chamber Scanware Lynx Spectra 3D Production Inspection System Bosch Touch Screen Controller Capacity Speed: 520 Blisters/minute Alu/Alu set up No tooling supplied or available
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