The Brewer Square Steel Waste Can manufactured by Brewer is ideal for use in exam rooms, restrooms, and front office areas. The can comes with a hazardous waste label and a lid opened via a convenient step-on foot pedal. The Brewer Square Steel Waste Can features a removable, plastic inner and a steel outer with a variety of enamel finishes. The versatile, easy to use Waste Cans comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards on blood-borne pathogens. The can is available in 20 or 32 quart.
Dimensions: 12.25" x 11.5" x 18.25" WxDxH Weight: 12 lbs
Steel square outer can and lid Enamel finish Removable plastic inner liner Step-on foot pedal opens lid Meets OSHA standard on blood-borne pathogens