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Bruker BioSpin Avance III HD 400 High Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer, Bruker (CAT#: STEM-S-1416-LGZ)


This braker biospin Avance III HD 400 High Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer has never been installed and has not been used in storage.

Cat Number: STEM-S-1416-LGZ

Application: For life sciences, the academe, biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry.

Model: Avance III HD 400

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The manufacturer of Bruker BioSpin Avance III HD 400 High Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer is Bruker. Model is Avance III HD 400. This braker biospin Avance III HD 400 High Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer has never been installed and has not been used in storage.


Condition: used
Frequency Controller & Signal Generation Unit

Basic configuration two channels frequency range each channel: 5–650 MHz each
Number of numerically controlled oscillators per channel: 3
Frequency resolution: < 0.005 Hz
Phase resolution: < 0.006º
Attenuation resolution / attenuation range: < 0.1 dB / 90 dB
Amplitude modulation: > 90 dB
Event time for digital setting of frequency, phase and amplitude, either individually or simultaneously: 25 ns
Memory per channel e.g. for pulse shaping: >8 Mbyte
Phase monotony over 90 dB amplitude setting range: < + / - 0.5 °
Timing Controller

Pulse sequence parameter calculation: in real time
Timing resolution / min. duration: 5 / 25 ns
Output bus for events and devices: 96-bit
Communication Protocol

Fast Ethernet TCP / IP
Host Computer

Operating system: Windows 7

Bandwidth: up to 5 MHz
Digital Receiver Unit (DRU)

Effective dynamic range of digitizer
SW < 5 MHz: > 16-bit
SW < 1 MHz: > 18-bit
SW < 6 kHz: > 22-bit
Data compression / digital filtering: on the fly
Optimum real time digital filters: Yes
Quadrature Receiver (RXAD):

Quadrature image peaks with digital quadrature detection: 0%


This braker biospin Avance III HD 400 High Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer has never been installed and has not been used in storage.

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