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BT-10 MiBot Micro- & Nanomanipulator, Imina Technologies (CAT#: STEM-LE-0016-LC)


Extremely compact design
High mechanical and thermal stability
Short leverage reduces sensitivity to vibrations

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0016-LC

Application: In-situ physical interaction with samples

Model: BT-10

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miBot is the smallest nano-resolution manipulator on the market. The use of piezoelectric actuators in revolutionary mobile motion technology makes miBot extremely accurate and very easy to control. Various micro-tools can be installed on the miBot tool holder, which makes it particularly suitable for research and development applications in materials science, microelectronics and photonics, whenever in-situ physical interaction with samples is required.


Resolution: < 10 nm
Full Travel: Several centimeters
Max. Speed: 2 mm/sec


Extremely compact design
High mechanical and thermal stability
Short leverage reduces sensitivity to vibrations
Monolithic design enhances robustness
Ultra high resolutions of positioning in large travel range
Piezoelectric actuators work in step and scan mode
Almost no motion limitation
High operating speed
No backlash
High degree of modularity and versatility
Compatible with SEM / FIB microscopes
Optical (light) microscopes compatible
A variety of plugin micro-tools for use in many applications
Unprecedented ease-of-use
No mounting screws
Manual pre-positioning
Rapid setting-up and reconfiguration
Easy transfer between microscopes
Rapid micro-tool exchange
Intuitive control via control pad and software interface
No coupling movements
Extremely short training time