Cary 50 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (CAT#: AM-LE-0062-Y)


• Data collection rate of 80 points per second
• Cary 50 is not affected by indoor light
• Cary 50's super concentrated beam makes it ideal for fiber optic work

Cat Number: AM-LE-0062-Y

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The Cary 50 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. It uses a powerful xenon flash lamp and a concentrated beam to perform remote fiber-optic UV-visible measurements without compromising quality. The instrument can measure up to 3 Abs samples, scan the entire wavelength range (190-1100nm) in 3 seconds, and the instrument supports a variety of optional accessories, can be used for liquid and solid samples. The instrument is ideal for QA/QC applications in life sciences and chemistry.


Item: Cary 50 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Company: Agilent Technologies
Catalog Number: 10068900
Type: UV VIS
Wavelength Range: 190 to 1100 nm
Optical System: Double Beam
Light Source: Xenon Flash Lamp
Scanning Speed: 24,000 nm per min.


• Data collection rate of 80 points per second
• Cary 50 is not affected by indoor light
• Cary 50's super concentrated beam makes it ideal for fiber optic work
• Cary 50 can measure samples up to 3 Abs, so there is no need to dilute frequently
• Xenon lamps only flash when acquiring data points and will not cause degradation of photosensitive samples
• Due to the high intensity of the xenon lamp, the Cary 50 can use a beam splitter
• The light beam is narrow and very strong, and even with a micro battery, excellent noise performance can be obtained
• The maximum scan rate is 24,000 nm per minute This means that you can scan the entire wavelength range of 190-1100nm in 3 seconds

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