Cary 7000 Universal Measurement Spectrophotometer (UMS) (CAT#: AM-LE-0067-Y)


• Measure absolute reflection and transmission in a single sequence with a variable angle and s or p polarization without moving or disturbing the sample
• The position of the detector and sample can be freely controlled to measure scattering transmission and reflection
• Utilizes a huge sample chamber to accommodate all types of samples, providing 360-degree rotation flexibility

Cat Number: AM-LE-0067-Y

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Cary 7000 Universal Measurement Spectrophotometer (UMS) is manufactured by Agilent Technologies and will meet all your solid sampling needs. Cary 7000 UMS provides a turnkey solution for research, development and QA/QC in the fields of optics, film/coating, solar and glass, and it will advance your material analysis.


• Measure absolute reflection and transmission in a single sequence with a variable angle and s or p polarization without moving or disturbing the sample
• The position of the detector and sample can be freely controlled to measure scattering transmission and reflection
• Utilizes a huge sample chamber to accommodate all types of samples, providing 360-degree rotation flexibility
• Obtain complete control over beam collimation and spot size to best suit your sample and measurement needs
• With unattended automated systems, you can measure the work that other systems can take hours to days to complete in minutes
• New insights on advanced materials in an unprecedented range of 10 Abs
• The Cary 7000 spectrophotometer has a range of 10 Abs, and the Cary 7000 UMS ensures high-quality results
• Use the new generation of Cary WinUV software to quickly obtain the highest quality results

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