Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS)

Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) leverages magnetic sector mass spectrometry to enable high-precision measurement of the stable isotope content of a sample. Typical measurements target hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen analyses—although elements with masses up to and including sulfur can be measured. Solid, liquid, or gas phase samples are converted to simple gases then introduced to the IRMS. During analysis, an electron impact source ionizes sample-derived gas which is then accelerated down a flight tube, separated by mass, and quantified using a series of Faraday cups. The high precision of IRMS enables enumeration of even very small isotopic fractionation associated with physical, chemical, and biological transformations or natural abundance measurements. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry is suitable for the study of biology, medicine, food, archaeology and other fields.

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