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Cavro® Omni Robot, Tecan Trading AG (CAT#: STEM-LE-1465-LC)


Air Displacement Pipettor (ADP)
Eight-channel pipetting head
Gripper allows automated manipulation of standard tube and microplate formats

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1465-LC

Application: Precision liquid handling

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Cavro® Omni robot is a multi-functional pipetting robot that provides a high degree of flexibility for precision liquid handling applications. Its unique modular design is easy to be configured to meet the specific needs of your instrument, and offers a variety of lengths, orientations, and options for all three axes. The long service life and low maintenance cost design ensures that you get a durable and reliable XYZ robot with the functions you require.


Robotic Arm(s):Yes


Air Displacement Pipettor (ADP)
Eight-channel pipetting head
Gripper allows automated manipulation of standard tube and microplate formats

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