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CDD-10Avp HPLC Conductivity Detector, Shimadzu (CAT#: STEM-LE-1240-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1240-LC

Application: Conductivity analysis

Model: CDD-10Avp

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CDD-1OAvp is a conductivity detector suitable for ion chromatography or organic acid analysis HPLC system. CDD-1OAvp has the common features of Shimadzu VP series HPLC modules, such as the VP key used for verification and the optical communication interface. The data acquired by CDD-10Avp is transmitted to the SCL system controller through the optical fiber interface, and is digitally processed by the workstation. By adding an optional cell (dual kit NS), a low-cost, compact, non-suppressed dual ion chromatograph can be manufactured, which can simultaneously detect anions and cations.


Type:Conductivity Detector
Wavelength Range:NA
Measurement Method:Ion Chromatograph or Organic Acid
Noise Level:Less than 4 nS * cm-1 (BG: F285 µS * cm-1)
Porality:Positive and Negative
Zero Adjustment:Auto Zero, Baseline Shift