Cell Cryopreservation

The principle of cell cryopreservation is "slow freezing", that is, cells are gradually frozen under the condition of slow cooling.

If the cell suspension is directly frozen at ultra-low temperature, the cells will suffer freezing damage and die. Protectants (e.g., DMSO, glycerol) added to the cryopreserved solution and isopropyl alcohol added to the cryopreserved box play a programmed cooling role.

  • Use program freeze box
  1. Prepare the program freeze solution and put it at room temperature for use or at 4℃ for pre-cooling.
  2. Collect cells in logarithmic growth phase by centrifugation (adherent cells were digested and centrifuged, and suspended cells were centrifuged directly).
  3. Resuspend cells with the prepared frozen storage solution, divide into the frozen storage tube according to 1-1.5 mL/ tube, tighten the tube cover, and make the mark.
  4. Put the cryopreservation tube into the cryopreservation box, and put the cryopreservation box into the refrigerator at -80℃ overnight (24h).
  5. Remove the freezing tube from the freezing box and transfer it to liquid nitrogen for long-term storage.

Schematic diagram of using freezer container. Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of using freezer container.

  • Use serum-free non-programmed cryopreservation solution
  1. Take out the serum-free non-programmed frozen solution from the refrigerator and set aside for later use.
  2. Collect cells in logarithmic growth phase by centrifugation (adherent cells were digested and centrifuged, and suspended cells were centrifuged directly).
  3. Discard the supernatant, add appropriate amount of serum-free non-programmed freezing solution, and resuspend the cells.
  4. Divide into the frozen pipe according to the amount of 1-1.5mL/ tube, tighten the pipe cover, and make a mark.
  5. Transfer the frozen storage tube directly to -80℃ refrigerator, and transfer it to liquid nitrogen for long-term storage after 24h.

Schematic diagram of using serum-free non-programmed cryopreservation solution.Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of using serum-free non-programmed cryopreservation solution.

  • Manual gradient cooling
  1. Prepare the program freeze solution and put it at room temperature for use or at 4℃ for pre-cooling.
  2. Collect cells in logarithmic growth phase by centrifugation (adherent cells were digested and centrifuged, and suspended cells were centrifuged directly).
  3. Resuspend the cells with the prepared frozen storage solution, divided into the frozen storage tube according to 1-1.5 mL/ tube, tighten the tube cover, and make the mark.
  4. Place the frozen storage tube in the order of [4℃ (20min) →-20℃ (30min) →-80℃ (24h) → liquid nitrogen].

Schematic diagram of manual gradient cooling operation.Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of manual gradient cooling operation.

  • Preserve the cellular properties, and revive cells for experiments when needed.
  • Preserve cells, and prevent cells from being lost due to contamination of the cells being cultured or other unexpected events.
  1. Cryopreservation of cells or organs; cryosurgery; biochemistry and molecular biology; food sciences; ecology and plant physiology.
  2. Medical applications, such as blood transfusion, bone marrow transplantation, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  3. The possible banking of cells for human leukocyte antigen typing for organ transplantation, the allowance of sufficient time for transport of cells and tissues among different medical centers, and the provision of research sources for identifying unknown transmissible diseases or pathogens.
  4. The long-term storage of stem cells is still the initial step toward tissue engineering, which holds promise for the regeneration of soft tissue esthetic function and for the treatment of known diseases that have currently no therapy option.
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STEMart provides you with a variety of cell culture equipment or consumables to meet your various R&D and application needs. If you have any questions or requirements for cell cryopreservation, please feel free to contact us.

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