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Chromegabond Series Chromatography Column, 150x4.6mm 5µm, 135221-MC18 (CAT#: STEM-C-2664-ZJF)


Chromegabond WR C18&C8 (High Alkaline Deactivation Column)
High alkaline deactivation column.
Highly hydrophobic and inert, suitable for analyzing acidic and alkaline compounds.

Cat Number: STEM-C-2664-ZJF

Application: For separating and analyzing complex mixtures.

Model: 135221-MC18

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Chromegabond is a high-alkaline deactivated stationary phase produced through a two-step process. The first step involves bonding monomeric ligands such as C18, C8, C4, phenyl, cyano, or biphenyl to synthetically produced ultra-high purity spherical silica. The second step uses a proprietary multi-endcapping bonding process to create a high-alkaline deactivated column. This advanced bonding method reacts short-chain alkyl silanes with residual silanol groups.
Chromegabond WR is particularly suitable for amines and acids, offering an alternative selectivity to the Epic series LC columns. Compared to the Epic series, Chromegabond WR employs a different silica with a smaller surface area. In many cases, different silicas can provide varying retention capabilities and selectivity, making Chromegabond WR an excellent choice for specific analytical needs.


Stationary Phase: CMB MC18 (Alternative Selectivity for C18)
Specification: 150x4.6mm 5µm


Chromegabond WR C18&C8 (High Alkaline Deactivation Column)
High alkaline deactivation column.
Highly hydrophobic and inert, suitable for analyzing acidic and alkaline compounds.
Can separate molecules containing polar and hydrophobic groups.
Particularly suitable for amine and acid compounds.
Chromegabond MC18 (C18 Alternative Selectivity)
Achieves good peak symmetry and reproducibility.
Suitable for low molecular weight hydrophobic and polar compounds.
Smaller 60 Å pore size offers alternative selectivity compared to other C18 columns.
Chromegabond PSC C8/C18 (Drug Separation Column)
Unique C8/C18 combination stationary phase suitable for various drug applications.
Innovative bonding arrangement.
Production technology strictly controls the number of residual silanol groups in PSC columns.
Good retention of highly polar and hydrophobic compounds.
Versatile column suitable for applications requiring C8 or C18.
Chromegabond DNAP II (Petroleum Analysis Specific)
DNAP II (Dinitroaniline Propyl) chromatographic column has strong affinity for aromatic solutes with different numbers of aromatic rings.
Specifically designed for handling complex petroleum samples.
Offers good separation for alkyl-substituted aromatics typically difficult to separate.
Chromegabond PFP/T (Paclitaxel Mixture Specific)
Specifically designed for separating paclitaxel mixtures.
Constructed based on fully fluorinated phenyl chemistry bonded to specially treated silica gel.
Produces excellent analytical columns for analyzing paclitaxel mixtures and related compounds.

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