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CNBr-Activated Agarose (Dry Form), 45-165µm Particle Size Range, G-BIOSCIENCES (CAT#: STEM-C-3096-LGZ)

Cat Number: STEM-C-3096-LGZ

Application: CNBr-Activated Agarose is pre-activated high capacity resin used for covalent coupling of primary amine containing ligands for affinity chromatography.

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CNBr-Activated Agarose is a preactivated high capacity resin for covalent coupling of antibodies and large protein molecules for affinity chromatography.

Cyanogen bromide reacts with resin hydroxyl groups to form cyanate esters, which in turn react with primary amine ligands to form covalent bonds. The production method of G-Bioscience CNBr-Activated Agarose is mainly to produce cyanate ester and a small or trace amount of carbamate.

The CNBr-Activated Agarose coupling has several advantages. It is simple, reproducible, provides multipoint attachment of many protein ligands, and results in a chemically stable resin for affinity chromatography. CNBR-activated agarose is ideal for conjugation of enzymes, antibodies and other proteins because the conjugation is done under very mild conditions.

Other activated resins are available.


Binding capacity: > 90 µmol cyanate ester/ml resin
45-165µm particle size range
Spherical, highly cross-linked 6% agarose
Group to be coupled: -NH2
Chemical stability: Stable to all commonly used aqueous buffers.
pH stability: ligand dependent, range – 2 to 11
1 gm of dry resin swells to 4-5 ml.
Storage: 2- 8°C

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