Cole-Parmer Thermohygrometer 37950-03 In Frederick, MD, USA, model STEM-GLEPO-0853-YJL, is manufactured by Cole-Parmer general laboratory equipment.
Condition: Used Weight: 8 lbs Dimensions: 14 × 3 × 6 in RH Range (%): 10-95 RH Accuracy: ±3% RH RH Resolution (%): 0.1% Temperature Range (° C): -18-93 Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5% of reading from 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C) Temperature Resolution: 0.1° Response Time: 8 seconds Display Type: 3.5-digit LCD Output: RS-232 Data Logging: Yes
Microprocessor-based for quick and easy calibration Download data to PC via RS-232
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