The Venturi Vacuum Pump manufactured by Cole-Parmer take advantage of the venturi effect. Since the operation is oil-free, the vacuum is clean and efficient. The a replaceable silencer reduces noise levels up to 30%.
Wetted Parts:Aluminum, Brass, Buna N Free-Air Capacity (CFM):0.5 Free-Air Capacity (LPM):14.2 Free-Air Capacity (LPH):852 Max Flow Rate (CFM):0.5 Max Flow Rate (Liters/min):14.2 Max Vacuum (in Hg):28 Max Vacuum (mbar):65.1 Max Vacuum (mm Hg):48.8 Max Vacuum (torr):48.8 Air Input At 80 Psi (CFM):0.8 Air Input At 80 Psi (LPM):22.7 Port Size:air supply: UNF 10-32, vacuum: UNF 10-32 Max Temperature (° F):140 Max Temperature (° C):60 Height (in):0.625 Width (in):0.625 Length (in):2.5 Height (cm):1.59 Width (cm):1.59 Length (cm):6.35 Height (mm):15.9 Width (mm):15.9 Length (mm):63.5
No moving part extends service life and decrease maintenance frequence. Air-powered venturi pumps don't need electrical power source or lubricant.