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Cozap for Coomassie Blue Removal, C4351, Supelco (CAT#: STEM-L-4692-Y)


Decrease destaining time by 20%;
No charcol or dye residues;
One pad can destain up to 10 gels;

Cat Number: STEM-L-4692-Y

Application: CoZap is used for rapid removal of Coomasie blue stain.

Model: C4351

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The unique CoZap pad is placed directly into your destaining tray and abosrbs all free dye in solution. This eliminates the need to change the destaining solution.


Availability: not available in EU
Application(s): protein staining: suitable


Decrease destaining time by 20%;
No charcol or dye residues;
One pad can destain up to 10 gels;
No need to change destaining solution;