D33 Tester (Piezoelectric Constant Tester)

Piezoelectric constant D33 is one of the important characteristic parameters of piezoelectric ceramics. It is the proportional constant for the piezoelectric medium to convert mechanical energy (or electrical energy) into electrical energy (or mechanical energy). It reflects the connection between stress or strain and electric field or electric displacement, and directly reflects the coupling relationship between electromechanical properties of materials and the strength of piezoelectric effect.

It not only determines the performance of the piezoelectric material, but also directly affects the performance parameters of the transducer. Since the piezoelectric ceramic parameters of the same batch of materials have a large degree of dispersion, it is necessary to measure the D33 of piezoelectric ceramics.

There are many factors that affect the accuracy and stability of the D33 test. The following factors are mainly considered: whether all the pressure is applied to the sample, whether the direction of the pressure is parallel to the polarization axis of the sample, whether the test electrodes are flat and parallel to each other, whether the force and the area of the induced electric effect are equal, and whether there is any sample vibration at the moment of pressure release, etc.

Sample Requirements

  • The diameter is less than 1cm, the thickness is less than 2mm, and polarization is required.


  • Measure the D33 constant of piezoelectric materials
  • Measure piezoelectric ceramics with large piezoelectric constants
  • Measure piezoelectric single crystals and piezoelectric polymer materials with small piezoelectric constants
  • Measure the equivalent piezoelectric D33 constant of any oriented piezoelectric single crystal and some piezoelectric devices

Instrument and Result Display

D33 Tester (Piezoelectric Constant Tester)

D33 Tester (Piezoelectric Constant Tester)


Q1. What are the prerequisites for testing piezoelectric performance?

A. Before testing the piezoelectric coefficient, the sample needs to be prepared as a block, and the thickness should be as thin as possible to ensure that the sample can be fully polarized. In addition, the samples need to prepare electrodes and undergo polarization treatment before testing.

Q2. Why is polarization treatment required before piezoelectric testing?

A. Before the piezoelectric ceramic material is polarized, the free electrons are arranged in disorder. After the polarization treatment, residual polarization is generated along the polarization direction to become an anisotropic polycrystalline, the orientation of free electrons is consistent, and the piezoelectric performance is greatly enhanced. The material can be made into any shape and any polarization direction. Piezoelectric ceramic materials before and after polarization have different dielectric constants and piezoelectric constants.

Q3. How to choose the type of electrode?

A. When the test temperature is lower than 500°C, silver electrodes can be used. When the test temperature is greater than 500°C and less than 800°C, gold electrodes can be used. When the test temperature is higher than 800°C, platinum electrodes should be prepared.

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For more information about our d33 tester (piezoelectric constant tester) testing services, please contact us.

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