Dektak 3 Surface Profilometer, 100Å to 1,310KÅ, Dektak (CAT#: STEM-AIPO-0047-YJL)


(1) Dektak3 Surface Profilometer with Super Fine Color CV-950 CCD Camera

Cat Number: STEM-AIPO-0047-YJL

Application: It is used to measure the vertical profile of samples, thin film thickness, and other topographical features, such as film roughness or wafer bowing.

Model: 3

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Dektak 3 Surface Profilometer, 100Å to 1,310KÅ, model 3, is manufactured by Dektak.
The Dektak 3 Surface Profilometer is an instrument to measure the vertical profile of samples, thin film thickness, and other topographical features, such as film roughness or wafer bowing.
A diamond stylus is moved vertically into in contact with the sample and then moved laterally across the sample for a specified distance and specified contact force. The instrument can measure small surface variations in vertical stylus displacement as a function of position. The Dektak profilometer can measure small vertical features ranging in height from 100 Å to 650,000 Å on a 5″ Diameter Sample Stage. The height position of the diamond stylus generates an analog signal which is converted into a digital signal stored, analyzed and displayed. The radius of diamond stylus is 12.5 microns, and the horizontal resolution is controlled by the scan speed and scan length. There is a horizontal broading factor which is a function of stylus radius and of step height. This broading factor is added to the horizontal dimensions of the steps. The stylus tracking force is factory-set to 50 milligrams.


Condition: Used
Vertical Range: 100Å to 1,310KÅ (0.4 microinch to 5mils)
Vertical Resolution: 1A/65KÅ, 10Ål655KÅ, 20Åt1310KÅ
Scan Length Range: 50 microns to 50mm (2 mils to 2 inches)
Scan Speed Ranges: Low, Medium, High
Scan Time Range: 3 seconds to 50 seconds
Software Leveling: Two-point programmable or cursor leveling
Stage Leveling: Manual
Stylus (standard): Diamond, 2.5 micron radius
Stylus Tracking Force: Programmable, 1-40mg (0.0 1-0.4mN -milliN ewtons)
Maximum Sample Thickness: 45mm (1.75 inches)
Sample Stage Diameter: 165mm (6.5 inches)
Sample Stage Translation: X Axis ±76mm (±3 inches)
Sample Stage Translation (from center): Y Axis -76mm (-3 inches)
Maximum Sample Weight: 0.5Kg (lib)
Power Requirements: 100/115/200Vac ±10%, 50-60Hz, 200Vac
Warm-up time: 15min recommended for maximum stability
Operating Temperature: 21°C ± 30C / 70°F ± 5°F
Zoom Magnification: 35x to 200x
Camera: Solid state monochrome video image
Sample Illumination: Variable intensity white light; IR & UV blocked
Dimensions (Scan Head wIMonitor): 33cm W x 56cmD x 81cmH


(1) Dektak3 Surface Profilometer with Super Fine Color CV-950 CCD Camera

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