Aspartic acid (ASP) acts on the energy metabolism of all living organisms as intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
Arginine (ARG), ascorbic acid (ASC) and aspartic acid (ASP) are very popular and widely consumed active ingredients used for fatigue treatment or improvement of physical performance.
Arginine (ARG) is one of the most metabolically versatile amino acids and serves as a precursor for the synthesis of nitric oxide, urea, creatine, glutamate, polyamines and proteins. Ascorbic acid (ASC) supplementation is recommended to increase the strength of bones, teeth, tendons and walls of blood vessels. In pharmaceutical formulations, the combination of ARG, ASC and ASP is very popular and widely used in the treatment of fatigue and to improve physical performance. It is highly desirable that the quality control of samples with the presence of more than one active ingredient can be carried out in a single run and with high-throughput.