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We provide the determination of Titanium (Ti) with the detection limit of 2.1 ppm by Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE).
We also provide the non-destructive, simultaneous analysis for 72 inorganic elements from Sodium (Na) through Uranium (U) on the Periodic Table for solid, liquid, and aerosol filter samples.
Analytical capabilities and detection limits (ppm): Na-762, Mg-175, Al-68.8, Si-39.0, P-32.1, S-22.0, Cl-14.7, K-12.2, Ca-8.0, Sc-2.9, Ti-2.1, V-1.09, Cr-0.573, Mn-0.495, Fe-0.4, Co-0.319, Ni-0.217, Cu-0.408, Zn-0.55, Ga-0.574, Ge-0.659, As-0.572, Se-0.473, Br-1.34, Rb-1.87, Sr-2.18, Y-2.28, Zr-2.76, Nb-3.56, Mo-4.12, Tc-8.75, Ru-12.57, Rh-10.23, Pd-10.77, Ag-10.08, Cd-11.56, In-12.2, Sn-9.39, Sb-10.43, Te-7.49, I-7.54, Cs-7.92, Ba-5.28, La-5.45, Ce-3.78, Pr-2.97, Nd-2.47, Pm-1.62, Sm-1.54, Eu-1.54, Gd-1.16, Tb-1.1, Dy-1.21, Ho-0.751, Er-0.975, Tm-0.849, Yb-0.833, Lu-0.815, Hf-1.02, Ta-1.31, W-0.88, Re-1.68, Os-1.34, Ir-1.14, Pt-1.13, Au-1.51, Hg-2.21, Tl-1.69, Pb-1.57, Bi-1.85, Th-6.12, U-3.98.
The PIXE technique offers the following advantages of analysis:
• Simultaneous analysis and multi-element capability.
• High sensitivity.
• Non-destructive.
• Measurement at atmospheric pressure available.
• No time consuming digestion, minimizing the potential for error resulting from sample preparation.
If you have any requirements or questions. Don't hesitate to contact us.
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