Dial Reading Viscometer (CAT#: AM-LE-1373-Y)


• Compatible with all Brookfield accessories
• Provide NIST traceable viscosity standards
• Electronic drive means quiet and reliable operation

Cat Number: AM-LE-1373-Y

Application: LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents.

Model: LVT

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The Dial Reading Viscometer is manufactured by AMETEK Brookfield. It uses a multi-speed electronic drive and an ergonomically designed speed control knob, so you can quickly and easily choose any of the 10 preset speeds (LVT model is 8 speeds)


Viscosity Range cP (mPa•s):
Min.: 1 †
Max.: 2M
RPM: .3-60
Number of Increments: 8    
Spring Torque:
Dyne-cm: 673.7
Milli Newton-m: 0.0673


• Compatible with all Brookfield accessories
• Provide NIST traceable viscosity standards
• Electronic drive means quiet and reliable operation
• Continuous torque sensing capability
• Torque measurement accuracy: 1% of full scale
• Repeatability: 02% of full scale
• Convenient speed adjustment and on/off control
• Universal power supply compatible globally
• 2 year shelf life

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