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DiatoSorb Diatomaceous Earth Columns (Bonded Stationary Phase Packed Columns), 3% Rtx-1, ID 2.0 mm, Length 2 m, Mesh 100/120, Agilent Column Config, Restek (CAT#: STEM-C-0675-LC)


Low bleed levels
Longer column lifetimes
Short conditioning times

Cat Number: STEM-C-0675-LC

Application: For use in chromatographic analysis

Model: 80401-810

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The DiatoSorb Diatomaceous Earth Columns manufactured by Restek feature bonded phases to truly bridge the gap between traditional packed columns and capillary columns. These bonded-phase packed columns offer shorter conditioning times, lower bleed, and longer column lifetimes.
Solvent rinsing during the manufacturing process removes low molecular weight polymer fragments that contribute to long conditioning cycle times.
Because the bleed is lower with bonded phases, detectors can be operated at higher sensitivities and the need for data system bleed compensation is greatly reduced.
Thanks to stronger intermolecular forces produced by cross-linking, the bonded phases are more resistant to oxidation than nonbonded phases and will not sag.


ID: 2.0 mm
Length: 2 m
Material: SilcoSmooth Tubing**
Mesh: 100/120 Silcoport W***
Column Config : Agilent
Units: ea.


Low bleed levels
Longer column lifetimes
Short conditioning times

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