The manufacturer of the DigiSense TC5000 Single Zone Temperature Controller is Digi-Sense. The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.
Condition: Certified Pre-Owned Electrical: 120VAC, 60Hz, 15 Amps Class: Type K Resolution: 1°, 1.0° or 1.00° Accuracy: 0.1% of span, ±1.0°F/°C Temperature Range: -328 to 2,498°F (-200 to 1,370°C) Display: LED Connections: 1/16 DIN, Thermocouple Overall Dimensions: 8 x 6 x 3.38" (203.2 x 152.4 x 85.73 mm)
In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications
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