DIL 806 Optical Dilatometer, TA Instruments (CAT#: STEM-LE-1412-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1412-LC

Application: Thermal Analysis

Model: DIL 806

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DIL 806 Optical Dilatometer is suitable for analysis of dynamic processes which involve multiple temperature steps and dynamic heating rates due to DIL 806 furnace with fast response. This optical dilatometric measurement method used in DIL 806 is an absolute process, regardless expansion or contraction of the instrument. The high-performance LED emits a wide-width flat beam to the sample. The high-resolution CCD sensor detect the sample shadows. The signal is then evaluated by a digital edge detection processor that can sensitively and accurately measure the change of dimension. This principle is called shadow light method, and it can accurately and absolutely measure the sample dimension as the temperature changes.


Temperature Range:-150°C to -600°C
Sample Length:0.3 – 30 mm

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