Dionex Ultimate 3000 XRS UHPLC System, Dionex (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0462-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0462-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

Model: Ultimate 3000 XRS UHPLC

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The manufacturer of the Dionex Ultimate 3000 XRS UHPLC System, Dionex is Dionex.
Refurbished Dionex Ultimate 3000 XRS UHPLC complete with Dionex Ultimate 3000RS pump (5040.0046 HPF-3400RS), Dionex Utlimate 3000 XRS open autosampler (MXY013-03A), peltier thermostat MN03-01, Thermo OAS-3300TXRS 5845.0010, Thermo Scientific MB01-01A controller for autosampler, Dionex Ultimate 3000 SRD-3600 5035.9230, Dionex Ultimate 3000 DAD-3000 diode array detector 5082.0010, Dionex Ultimate 3000 RS column compartment TCC-3000RS 5730.0000. Up to 2mL/min. flow rate supports up to 125 MPa (18250 psi/1250 bar) backpressure for fast and highly resolving column technologies.
The Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 Open Sampler XRS system is designed for exceptionally high throughput and ultra-high resolution chromatography. As a front end for LC/MS setups, it provides flexibility, excellent peak sharpness and a very large sample capacity. Featuring a high-end quaternary UHPLC solvent delivery module, it delivers faster gradient responses than many binary systems and supports very long, sub-2µm particle size columns for ultra-high resolution experiments in complex or poorly characterized samples.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Dionex Ultimate 3000RS pump (5040.0046 HPF-3400RS)
Dionex Utlimate 3000 XRS open autosampler (MXY013-03A)
Peltier thermostat MN03-01
Thermo OAS-3300TXRS 5845.0010
Thermo Scientific MB01-01A controller for autosampler
Dionex Ultimate 3000 SRD-3600 5035.9230
Dionex Ultimate 3000 DAD-3000 diode array detector 5082.0010
Dionex Ultimate 3000 RS column compartment TCC-3000RS 5730.0000
Optional Columns:
6040.2225 Thermo Scientific Viper (IDxL 0.10250mm Viper SST)
6040.2320 Thermo Scientific Viper (IDxL 0.13750mm Viper SST)
00F-4336-E0 Phenomenex (SynerGi 4U POLAR-RP 80A) 150x 4.60mm 4 micron
00B-4251-B0 Luna 3U C18(2) 100A
New Column 50x2.0 mm
00F-4424-E0 Phenomenex (SynerSi 4U Fusion-RP 80A) 150x 4.60mm 4 micron
00F-4251-B0 Luna 3U C18(2) 100A
New Column 150x2.0 mm
00F-4495-AN Kinetex 2.6u Phenyl-Hexyl 100A,New Column 150x2.1 mm
00B-4496-AN Kinetex 2.6u XB-C18 100A 50x2.10mm


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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