Dolomite Meros High Speed Digital Microscope, Dolomite (CAT#: STEM-MPO-0039-YJL)


High quality optics with high resolution imaging for clear visualization of microfluidic experiments.
High power LED coaxial illumination for minimal exposure time.
Frame rate up to ~4,100 fps (it will vary based on host system and configuration)

Cat Number: STEM-MPO-0039-YJL

Application: It is designed specifically for microfluidics and is ideal for observing droplets during high speed droplet production.

Model: Meros

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Dolomite Meros High Speed Digital Microscope, model Meros, is manufactured by Dolomite.
Meros High Speed Digital Microscope is designed specifically for microfluidics and is ideal for observing droplets during high speed droplet production. The short exposure time, high resolution imaging and convenient stage greatly simplify microfluidic experiments.


Condition: Used
Meros High Speed Digital Microscopes
Includes 5x/0.13 Objective
(3) Dolomite Mitos remote Chamber 400s
(4) Dolomite Mitos p-pumps basic, (3) w/ Mitos Sensor Interfaces
(1) Dolomite telos Modular Production Interface


High quality optics with high resolution imaging for clear visualization of microfluidic experiments.
High power LED coaxial illumination for minimal exposure time.
Frame rate up to ~4,100 fps (it will vary based on host system and configuration)
Exposure time down to 0.05 ms for imaging of droplets, particles or cells flowing at kHz rates.
Minimum exposure of 0.05 ms.
Capture high frame rate videos of microfluidic events.
Light brightness adjustment with the option for diffused light with the reversible mirror.
Long working distance for convenience.
Zoom function for viewing from the mm to µm scale.
Compatible with Meros TCU-100 Temperature Controller for imaging and temperature control of the microfluidic device.
Can be controlled via our free Flow Control Centre software.
Reliable and easy to use.

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