DSC 214 Polyma Differential Scanning Calorimeter, NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH (CAT#: STEM-LE-0585-LC)


New all-inclusive 360° product package for the characterization of polymers
Easier sample preparation than ever before
Automated measurement and evaluation

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0585-LC

Application: Analyze the thermal effect in the sample

Model: DSC 214 Polyma

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The DSC 214 Polyma Differential Scanning Calorimeter (-170°C to 600°C) provides a powerful solution for daily measurement tasks in hardware and software. It is easy to operate while still providing absolute reliability, which makes this innovative DSC instrument an ideal tool for polymer material research, development, quality assurance and failure analysis.


Temperature Range:-170 °C to 600 °C
Principle:Heat-Flux DSC
Heating Rate:0.001 K/min to 500 K/min
Cooling Rate:0.001 K/min to 500 K/min


New all-inclusive 360° product package for the characterization of polymers
Easier sample preparation than ever before
Automated measurement and evaluation

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