DTA PT1600 Differential Thermal Analyzer, Linseis Inc (CAT#: STEM-LE-0232-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0232-LC

Application: Thermal Analysis

Model: DTA PT1600

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DTA PT1600 is designed to provide the highest calorimetric sensitivity, short time constant and non-condensing sample chamber. These features ensure excellent resolution and baseline stability throughout the life of the instrument. This provides an essential tool for material development, R&D and quality control.
The modular design allows different types of furnaces to be configured in an extremely wide temperature range of -150°C to 2400°C. Therefore, many different DTA sensors and crucible types can be used. The vacuum-tight construction of the system allows quantitative enthalpy and Cp determination in a pure gas atmosphere or under a vacuum of 10-5 mbar. In addition, the system can always be coupled with a mass spectrometer or FTIR to obtain more information.


Temperature Range: -150 °C up to 2400 °C