DV Free 384-Well Filtration Plates, 150 μL/Well, One 20 μm Frit/Well, STE-Mart (CAT#: STEM-FC-2584-LC)


Withoutdead volume, high recovery
Goodconsistency in well-to-well and plate-to plate
Conformto ANSI/SBS standards

Cat Number: STEM-FC-2584-LC

Application: Ideal for filtration and purification fortrace samples

Model: 0038401-20

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DV Free 384-Well Filtration Plates provided by STE-Mart feature patented structural design without dead volume to ensure high sample recovery.


Description: DVfree 384-Well Filtration Plates, 150 μL/Well, One 20 μm Frit/Well
Qty.: 4/Box


Withoutdead volume, high recovery
Goodconsistency in well-to-well and plate-to plate
Conformto ANSI/SBS standards
Suitablefor vacuum or centrifuge