EasyRatioPro SL200 enables researchers to perform single-wavelength experiments using dyes such as Fluo4, DAPI, FITC, TexasRed and a variety of single-wavelength fluorescent probes. Compared with DeltaRam™, ScopeLite 200 is good at providing a powerful source of illumination for RED dyes, because ScopeLite is a metal halide CW light source, using a 2 m, 3 mm core liquid light guide directly into the microscope. The ERP-SL200 system can also be fully upgraded to the patented PTI DeltaRam™X multi-wavelength illuminator.
2 meter 3 mm core Liquid Light Guide USB computer interface for control TTL shutter operations of ScopeLite EasyRatioPro SL 200 Software Warp Drive Imaging™ human user interface Imaging workstation with 19" monitor
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