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Elemental Analysis by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) (CAT#: STEM-EA-0215-ZJF)


With excellent detection limits, time-of-flight SIMS (TOF-SIMS) provides a full elemental and molecular analysis. Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) is a surface analytical technique that focuses a pulsed beam of primary ions onto a sample surface, producing secondary ions in a sputtering process. These secondary ions provide information about the molecular, inorganic, and elemental species present on the surface. Among surface analytical techniques, TOF-SIMS is the most surface-sensitive, with a depth of analysis of only approximately one nanometer. Detection limits for most elements are in the range of parts-per-thousand to parts-per-million using this technique.
The TOF-SIMS technique offers the following advantages of analysis:
• Surface sensitive, top few monolayers
• Detection limits in the ppm range
• Survey analysis
• Survey depth profiles
• Elemental and molecular information
• Can analyze insulators and conductors
• Sub-µm spatial resolution possible in imaging mode
• Major element composition possible, in some applications
TOF-SIMS technical specifications:
• Signal Detected: Elemental and molecular ions
• Elements Detected: Full periodic table coverage, plus molecular species
• Detection Limits: Fraction of a monolayer, 107 – 1010 at/cm2 (metal on semiconductor), down to 1 ppm bulk concentration in depth profiles
• Depth Resolution: 1-3 monolayers (Static mode), down to 1 nm (depth profiling)
• Information Depth: Below 1 nm (static mode), up to 10 μm (depth profiling)
• Imaging/Mapping: Yes
• Lateral Resolution/Probe Size: Down to 0.2 µm
If you have any requirements or questions. Don't hesitate to contact us.


In TOF-SIMS, a pulsed beam of primary ions is rastered across the area of interest, resulting in the emission of secondary ions that are characteristic of the materials present in the top monolayer of the sample. An accurate measurement of the masses of the detected ions allows them to be identified and related to the chemical species present on the sample surface. An ion beam of finely focused primary ions (typically Gold or Bismuth clusters) is used to measure the lateral distribution of chemical species across a surface with a spatial resolution of microns to submicrons. TOF-SIMS is difficult to quantify due to the fact that secondary ion yields vary dramatically from element to element and are highly dependent on the matrix from which they are sputtered. Consequently, the technique is more often used for qualitative purposes than for quantitative ones. If the substrates are the same, it is possible to compare a given species between samples. If the technique is used in conjunction with ion sputtering (either with the same primary ion gun or using an additional Cs, O, or Ar cluster ion beam), depth profiles can also be obtained.


Medical devices, semiconductors, aerospace & defense, electronics, energy storage, batteries and solar/PV, etc.
Detailed applications such as:
• Surface analysis of organic and inorganic materials
• Surface characterization of organic and elemental materials
• Mapping the lateral distribution of surface species
• Contaminant identification (down to the ppm range for elemental or molecular species)
• Quantitative analysis of surface metals on wafers
• Failure analysis, eg: adhesion, bond pads, coatings
• Evaluation of cleaning processes (QA/QC)
• Identification of stains, discolorations, and hazes
• Examining surfaces before and after processing to identify differences
• Comparison of samples processed or stored in different environments to determine surface changes
• Imaging of elements and molecules on surfaces
• Failure and root cause analysis in case of delamination, blistering, de-wetting, staining, haze, etc.
• Survey depth profiling


1. Sample preparation
2. Sample analysis by TOF-SIMS
3. Data output


• TOF-SIMS system
• Sample material