EMax Endpoint ELISA Microplate Reader,96 Well Plates, Molecular Devices, LLC (CAT#: STEM-LE-0514-LC)


Solid Performance for Dedicated Absorbance
Comprehensive Reader Validation

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0514-LC

Application: Microplate reader

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The EMax Endpoint ELISA Microplate Reader from Molecular Devices (one of the pioneers of microplate detection) provides a simple and durable dedicated endpoint detection method. 97 independent and fixed optical fibers can achieve a mean time between failures (MTBF) of 20,000 hours, which keeps the microwell plate still during the entire reading cycle, thereby reducing the number of moving parts. No optical alignment is required for the life of the instrument!


Wavelength Range:400 to 750 nm
Optical System:Filter-based
Measuring Time:5 sec
Plate Formats:96 Well Plates


Solid Performance for Dedicated Absorbance
Comprehensive Reader Validation

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