Diffuser Panel Promotes Air Flow Uniformity and Protects Filter Integrity: Unlike other manufacturers, Terra's FFUs use a unique perforated panel like a shower head beneath the filter, to protect the filter and make laminar air flow more uniform by preventing localized air swirling, particle build-up and turbulence.
Protect Against Contaminants and Pathogens: HEPA and ULPA filters help capture many bacteria, viruses (COVID-19), and mold spores.
Website Metric Conversion Tool: Terra's web-based metric conversion tool can convert any product specification into metric units of measure.
Cat Number: STEM-C-0140-ZJF
Application: It is used to provide steady laminar flow stream of ULPA filtered air to the area below the mounted unit for cleanrooms. It is ideal for drying applications in a laminar flow hood.
Model: 6601-24-URT-220