Fatigue Test

Fatigue testing is designed for determination of the lifespan that may be expected from a material subjected to cyclic fatigue loading. Cyclic fatigue tests produce repeated loading and unloading in tension, compression, bending, torsion or combinations of these stresses. Fatigue tests are commonly loaded in tension – tension, compression – compression and tension into compression and reverse.

STEMart provides a variety of fatigue testing service to determine the total number of cycles that a material can be subjected to under a single loading scheme, as well as the maximum load that a sample can withstand for a specified number of cycles.

Test Capabilities

  • Load controlled high cycle fatigue testing: Suitable for applications where materials are subject to extremely high mechanical stresses, and where deformation is likely to occur.
  • Strain controlled high cycle fatigue testing: Suitable for applications where materials experience low applied forces and where deformation is primarily elastic in nature.
  • Thermomechanical fatigue testing: Apply both varying load levels and varying temperatures to predict how materials will behave in thermal environments.
  • Room temperature fatigue testing
  • Low temperature fatigue testing
  • Corrosion fatigue testing
  • Contact fatigue testing
  • Fretting wear fatigue testing
  • Axial fatigue testing
  • Torsional fatigue testing
  • Shear fatigue testing
  • Proof load testing
  • Bending fatigue testing
  • Fatigue crack growth testing
  • Resonance fatigue testing
  • Multiple degrees of freedom fatigue testing
  • Multi-channel/compound cyclic testing

Fatigue Testing Materials

  • Polymers
  • Plastics
  • Metals
  • Ceramics
  • Wood
  • Composites
  • Textiles
  • Adhesives
  • Rubbers

STEMart's expert team can advise on which test is best for your specific requirements depending on the project goal. For more information about our fatigue testing services, please contact us.

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