Filtration process verification refers to the verification process implemented for the specific media to be filtered and combined with specific process conditions. Generally include bacterial retention test, chemical compatibility test, extractable or leachable test, safety assessment and adsorption assessment, etc. If the product is used as the wetting medium for integrity testing after filtration, relevant product integrity testing and verification should also be conducted.
Sterile filtration process verification can be completed by the user of the filter or a commissioned testing and testing agency (for example: the manufacturer of the filter or a third-party laboratory). However, filter users should ultimately ensure that the operating parameters and allowable extreme values in the actual production process have been covered during verification, and have corresponding supporting documents.
STEMart provides comprehensive integrity testing service to determine the integrity and correct installation of the filter itself and ensure the installed filter meets the standards.
STEMart provides comprehensive filtration efficiency testing service to determine how well the material filters or blocks substances and ensures compliance with relevant standards to make the product more effective.
STEMart provides comprehensive extractables and leachables testing service to identify any potential contaminants that could be released from a product, and ensure the safety and efficacy of the products.
STEMart provides comprehensive chemical compatibility testing service to evaluate the chemical impact of the media to be filtered on the filtration device under specific process conditions to avoid potential filter damage or changes.
STEMart provides comprehensive bacterial retention testing service to help in understanding the ability of a filtration device to remove bacteria from a liquid, and ensure that products meet the necessary safety standards.
STEMart provides comprehensive adsorption testing service to help in choosing the right type of filter for a specific application and in maintaining the quality and safety standards.
For more information about our filtration process verification testing services, please contact us.