Flow-Rate Platform, FRP series, FLUIGENT (CAT#: STEM-ME-0233-WXH)

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0233-WXH

Application: Droplet generation and manipulation<br />Organ on chip<br />Beads manipulation<br />Kinetic measurements<br />Biological applications (blood / cells)<br />Microfluidic flow control

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A unique tool to easily monitor all the flow-rates in your fluidic system with the best precision and accuracy.


high-precision bidirectional flow sensor
5 models with different ranges for water, among which 3 models (S, M and L) with a dual calibration: water and hydrocarbon based liquids (comparable with oil, solvents, fuel, alcohol)
communication hub
A hub managing the communication between MAESFLOTM software and up to 8 FLOW UNITS of any ranges and calibrations. Computer connection and power supply with a single USB plug.

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