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Force Tensiometer, KRÜSS USA (CAT#: STEM-LE-0137-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0137-LC

Application: Determination of the effectiveness and efficiency of surfactants by CMC measurement, Wetting behavior of tablets, pharmaceutical active ingredients and excipients, Wetting of varnishes and paints, Decomposition product content in oils, Tank clearance and cleaning validation in the foodstuffs industry, Wetting and adhesion of coatings, Development of cosmetic products, Wetting properties of inks, Wetting of fiber bundles and textiles, Sedimentation and ductility of dispersions, Checking of surface modifications

Model: K100

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Force Tensiometer-K100 is designed for high-accuracy, automated and reliable measurement of surface tension and interfacial tension, critical micelle concentration CMC and contact angle with solids, fibers and powders. The instrument has high-quality ingredients and unique multiple methods that can perform many tasks in the field of surfactant analysis and wetting measurement to ensure research quality. The simple conversion between different measurement methods can be completed without reconfiguring the instrument.


Dimensions (WxDxH): 300 x 390 x 585 mm
Range: 1 to 2000 mN/m

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