Fully Automatic Secondary Thermal Desorption Instrument, JX-6AT (CAT#: STEM-AIAE-0539-ZJF)


Accommodates up to 40 samples, capable of automatic operation and initiation of gas phase without the need for manual monitoring.
Utilizes cap-type adsorption tubes, with automatic cap removal and capping by the instrument, eliminating additional costs.
Heating of adsorption tubes in dedicated areas to avoid mutual interference.

Cat Number: STEM-AIAE-0539-ZJF

Application: To detect and measure volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in various samples, including air, water, and soil.

Model: JX-6AT

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The JX-6AT Thermal Desorption Analyzer is a fully automatic dual-stage (cold trap) thermal desorption instrument featuring 40 sample positions. It utilizes semiconductor cooling, with the cold trap temperature capable of reaching as low as -40°C (depending on ambient temperature). The injection valve system is motor-driven, and automatic sample introduction into the desorption tube is achieved through pneumatic grippers. It features standard sample simulation sampling functionality. The enrichment, injection, and other processes are fully automated. It can be used in conjunction with domestic and imported gas chromatographs and is suitable for applications in environmental monitoring and other fields.


Primary Desorption Heating Range: 40℃—400℃, Temperature Control Accuracy 1℃
Injection Valve Heating Range: 40℃—240℃, Temperature Control Accuracy 1℃
Sample Transfer Tube Heating Range: 40℃—240℃, Temperature Control Accuracy 1℃
Cold Trap Cooling Range: -35℃— -5℃
Secondary Desorption Temperature Range: -35℃—450℃
Secondary Desorption Heating Rate: >70℃/s
Sample Tube Specifications: Diameter 1/4”, Length 3.5”
Sample Positions: 40 positions
Enrichment Time: 0-60min
Injection Time: 0-10min
Simulated Sampling Time: 0-60min
Simulated Sampling Flow Rate: 0-200ml/min
RSD: ≤2.5% (0.05μg benzene in methanol)
Power: Peak 500W


Accommodates up to 40 samples, capable of automatic operation and initiation of gas phase without the need for manual monitoring.
Utilizes cap-type adsorption tubes, with automatic cap removal and capping by the instrument, eliminating additional costs.
Heating of adsorption tubes in dedicated areas to avoid mutual interference.
Equipped with multiple fault diagnosis and processing modes, capable of automatic shutdown and prompt in case of mechanical motion abnormalities, ensuring the reliability of high-precision movements and preventing collisions. In maintenance mode, easy instrument maintenance, fault diagnosis, and leak detection can be performed.
Uses semiconductor refrigeration to save operating costs.
Secondary desorption heating rate >70°C/s, reaching 450°C with peak width <3s.
All gas lines are made of passivated and polished 316 stainless steel, with sealing rings crafted from PTFE material, providing high temperature resistance and no volatile emissions. Sample gas path uses RESTEK passivation, Siltek®/Sulfinert® treatment of stainless steel tubes with stainless steel ferrules and full-length heating.
Integration of heating valve box and heating gas path design reduces intermediate links. Optimal reducing fittings are designed based on calculations of the diameter of the analytical tube and gas path, minimizing issues related to low resolution caused by dead volume.
Features standard sample simulation sampling functionality.
Strong compatibility, easily connects with various domestic and international gas chromatographs, capable of synchronously starting chromatography and workstations. Can also read chromatographic ready signals and work in coordination with chromatography.

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