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G160 Cervical Rotation Device, 230 kg, David Health Solutions (CAT#: STEM-ME-0628-LX)


Automatic seat adjustment (electronic version)
Ergonomically contoured seat for natural posture
Movement is carried out in two directions

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0628-LX

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Dimensions (Width, Length, Height): 110/100/179 cm, 43/39/70 in
Weight: 230 kg, 506 lbs
GMDN Code: 35699 Neck mechanical weight exerciser
Certification: Medical-CE device, class 1M


Automatic seat adjustment (electronic version)
Ergonomically contoured seat for natural posture
Movement is carried out in two directions
Easy entry and simple positioning
Starting position can be at 10o intervals
EVE integration with strength and mobility tests
Weight stack: 1/25 kg, 2.2/55 lbs