G1888 Headspace Autosampler (CAT#: AM-LE-0395-Y)


• 70-position sample tray and 12 heatable positions enable unattended overnight operation for multiple applications
• Automated constant heating time and optimized overlapped injection for maximum sample throughput in the shortest time
• The deactivated sampling channel from the syringe to the transfer line is standard After connecting the inert volatile substance analysis interface to the 7890A or 6890N, it becomes a completely inert chromatographic system

Cat Number: AM-LE-0395-Y

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G1888 Headspace Autosampler is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. Its high sample capacity and excellent sensitivity provide excellent performance in a wide range of analysis. The Agilent G1888 networked headspace sampler has a non-degradable, lossless, and can provide excellent chemical performance Inert sample flow path.


Type: Headspace
Sample Volume: 1 or 3 ml Sample Loop
Number of Samples: up to 70 Samples


• 70-position sample tray and 12 heatable positions enable unattended overnight operation for multiple applications
• Automated constant heating time and optimized overlapped injection for maximum sample throughput in the shortest time
• The deactivated sampling channel from the syringe to the transfer line is standard After connecting the inert volatile substance analysis interface to the 7890A or 6890N, it becomes a completely inert chromatographic system
• The temperature control range of 40 °C to 230 °C makes it possible to analyze semi-volatiles and traditional low-boiling analytes at temperatures above 200 °C
• The heating zone can be turned off so that biological samples or extremely heat-sensitive analytes can be analyzed at room temperature
• In addition to the conventional single extraction (one injection per vial), two modes of multiple headspace extraction (MHE) will also be integrated
• For sample analysis in special matrices, multiple puncture extractions can be performed, up to 100 extractions per bottle
• Multiple headspace extraction (MHE) "concentration mode" allows multiple extractions of a sample vial to be tested, and starts gas chromatography analysis after the last extraction is completed
• Includes a number of convenient testing and troubleshooting functions, including a set of four pre-stored chemical test methods, semi-automated leak testing, and a comprehensive power-on self-test procedure
• Use GC ChemStation, MSD Efficient ChemStation, MSD Safety ChemStation or Cerity NDS software for QA/QC in the pharmaceutical industry to complete instrument control
• This software complies with 21 CFR Part 11 requirements
• Built-in keyboard control makes it compatible with all gas chromatographs

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