Galvanic Corrosion Testing

Galvanic corrosion occurs due to two different metals in contact with each other in the presence of corrosive electrolyte solution. When two metal materials forming a galvanic couple, the metal that has a more negative electrode potential corrodes slower than normal while the more active and anode one is greatly corroded.

STEMart carries out professional galvanic corrosion testing to provide necessary data to help you select the right materials combinations for your required application.

Test Capabilities

  • Sensitive galvanic current measurement using Zero Resistance Ammetry (ZRA)
  • Galvanic series determination
  • Preferential weld corrosion
  • Polarization curve analysis
  • Sensitivity assessment

STEMart's expert team can advise on which test is best for your specific requirements depending on the project goal. For more information about our galvanic corrosion testing services, please contact us.

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