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GC/MS DRS Semivolatiles Screener (CAT#: AM-LE-0278-Y)


• Optimized for the analysis of semi-volatile materials, including GC columns, consumables, calibration/detection samples, and analytical methods, reducing the time you need to configure individual components
• Pre-configured and chemically tested for semi-volatile material analysis to ensure the best performance of instruments and applications
• Integrated capillary flow technology backflush makes analysis more powerful, shortens run time, and reduces system maintenance

Cat Number: AM-LE-0278-Y

Model: M7461AA

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GC/MS DRS Semivolatiles Screener is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, which combines multi-mode inlet, capillary flow technology, 338 kinds of semi-volatile material DRS library and unwind report software to maximize sensitivity, shorten analysis time and reduce maintain. So as to carry out fast and reliable screening.


• Optimized for the analysis of semi-volatile materials, including GC columns, consumables, calibration/detection samples, and analytical methods, reducing the time you need to configure individual components
• Pre-configured and chemically tested for semi-volatile material analysis to ensure the best performance of instruments and applications
• Integrated capillary flow technology backflush makes analysis more powerful, shortens run time, and reduces system maintenance
• By minimizing every step of the GC/MS flow
• Includes CD-ROM, optimized retention time-locked acquisition methods and related data files for sVOC analysis, and sVOC target database of 338 compounds to speed up method development

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