Glioma Animal Model (CAT#: STEM-AE-0093-WXH)


Glioma is a tumor originating from glial cells of the brain, accounting for 40% to 60% of all primary central nervous system tumors, and is the most common primary intracranial tumor in adults, most of which are malignant tumors .


Research on the pathogenesis of glioma and drug development.


• Chemical substance-induced type: The most widely used is the alkylating agent nitrosourea (MNU). This chemically induced animal model is not very similar to human glioma, and its application has gradually decreased.
• Virus-inducible: viruses that can induce glioma models include JCV and BKV, etc.
• Transplanted glioma animal model: according to the difference between the tumor donor and recipient animal species, it can be divided into xenograft and homograft models.

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