HEMOCHRON Model 401 Coagulation Monitoring Instrument, ITC (CAT#: STEM-LE-0053-LC)


Lightweight, only 1.7 kg
Uses fresh whole blood
Test results within few minutes

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0053-LC

Application: Celite® Activated Clotting Time (ACT)<br />Kaolin ACT<br />Glass Activated ACT<br />Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)<br />Prothrombin Time (PT)<br />Thrombin Time (TT)<br />Heparin Neutralized Thrombin Time (HNTT)<br />High Dose Thrombin Time (HiTT)<br />Fibrinogen<br />PDAO (Protamine Dose Assay)

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The HEMOCHRON® Model 401 is a lightweight, portable, single-well instrument for whole blood coagulation monitoring. The 401 provides on-screen plasma equivalent PT and APTT test results.


Analysis Time: Test results within minutes (0 to 1500 sec)


Lightweight, only 1.7 kg
Uses fresh whole blood
Test results within few minutes
Timing range is 0 to 1500 seconds
Uses AC current or self-contained rechargeable batteries as power source

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